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CK's Sopwith Tri Plane WIP.


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Hi all,
I thought while we wait for the tax office to issue me my business tax number
so I can put out the full paid CK game.
I would put out another plane for you all to have fun with.
This is one of my favorites of WW1 :)
Have your first look at CK's new Sopwith Tri Plane!
Still have much left to do on her like gages, pilot and other animations plus damage model and another skins,
so about a weeks work or so and she will be up for download.

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The instruments are in and working.
The pilot is in.
The hitboxes are done and the game just takes all the parts and throws them everywhere till
I get the damage CFG done to govern the game engine on what to do with the parts.

And up up and away we go! :) 
Left to do;
Damage 3D model.
Damage CFG.
Damage texture.
Another skin.
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