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Found 24 results

  1. Version 1.1

    Note: Digitally delivered products are not refundable. Buy with Paypal http://www.virtualtechart.com/images/pp_logo_150px.png The Puma/Dachs are boats of the German Navy’s Gepard S143A class. This class is Germany’s the last class of missile bearing fast attack crafts. The 143A class is an evolution of the Albatros 143 class. It is planned to replace this class with the new Braunschweig-class corvettes in the 2020s. The ships in class are named after small predatory animals. General characteristics Displacement: 391 tons Length: 189 ft (57.60m) Beam: 25.7 ft (7.80m) Draft: 8.6 ft (2.60m) Propulsion: four Diesel Engines MTU 956 TB 91 With 13.235kW (17.748hp) Speed: 40 kn Complement: 5 Officers, 31 Enlisted Armament: 1x Oto Melara (Breda) 76mm 4x MM38 Exocet anti-ship missiles 1x RAM (Rolling Airframe Missile) launcher, 21 cells 2x MG50-1 machine guns Mine laying capability Model Highlights - Bridge interior (bridge and engineering control station) - Custom instruments - Working weapons (Oto Melara 76mm, 4x Exocet, RAM Launcher, 2x 12,7mm) - Custom sounds - Ctrl + A activates the animated slinger windows on the bridge - extra controllable vehicle: German Navy Rubber Dinghy included in this package - animated flag It is recommended to set the Limit ammunition settings in the vehicle option menu. http://www.virtualtechart.com/images/pp_logo_150px.png Special thanks to AndyMahn (from vKfS) for the elements.cfg file. And to Deutschmark for testing over the build period. © Copyright 2013 Marko Barthel – VirtualTechArt Design Note: Digitally delivered products are not refundable.
  2. The FLB 23-7 from AndyMahn is for Ilan Papini's Vehicle Simulator Framework. The FLB-23 (Feuerloeschboot 23) is a fire-fighting boat orginally build in East Germany in 1973 (Yachtwerft Berlin, Project 1320). It is used to fighting fires on floating and coastal objects. Length: 23,22m Beam: 4,58/ 4,71m Draft: 1,58m Displacement: 54,20t Propulsion: two Diesel Engines with 508PS Speed: 15kn © Copyright 2013 Marko Barthel / AndyMahn – VirtualTechArt Design
  3. Version 1.0

    Note: Digitally delivered products are not refundable. Buy with Paypal FLB 23-7 (Feuerloeschboot) / Firefighting Boat 23-7 The FLB-23 (Feuerloeschboot 23) is a fire-fighting boat orginally build in East Germany in 1973 (Yachtwerft Berlin, Project 1320). It is used to fighting fires on floating and coastal objects. Length: 23,22m Beam: 4,58/ 4,71m Draft: 1,58m Displacement: 54,20t Propulsion: two Diesel Engines with 508PS Speed: 15kn Feuerlöschboot Typ "FB-23" Yachtwerft Berlin 1973, Projekt-Nr. 1320 Feuerlöschboot zur Bekämpfung von Bränden auf schwimmenden und am Ufer gelegenen Objekten. Die Bergungsausrüstung eignet sich zum Auspumpen Leck geschlagener oder gesunkener Schiffe. Einsatzgebiet: Binnen-, Haff- und Boddengewässer sowie Seehäfen. Besatzung: 1 Schiffsführer, 1 Steuermann, 1 Maschinist und 4 Feuerwehrleute. Model Highlights - Bridge interior - Custom instruments - bump maps © Copyright 2013 Marko Barthel / AndyMahn – VirtualTechArt Design Note: Digitally delivered products are not refundable.
  4. The next Vehicle Simulator Addon is available for purchase. The German Navy fast attack craft FGS S-72 Puma. The The Puma is a boat of the German Navy’s Gepard S143A class. This class is Germany’s the last class of missile bearing fast attack crafts. The 143A class is an evolution of the Albatros 143 class. It is planned to replace this class with the new Braunschweig-class corvettes in the 2020s. The ships in class are named after small predatory animals. General characteristics Displacement: 391 tons Length: 189 ft (57.60m) Beam: 25.7 ft (7.80m) Draft: 8.6 ft (2.60m) Propulsion: four Diesel Engines MTU 956 TB 91 With 13.235kW (17.748hp) Speed: 40 kn Complement: 5 Officers, 31 Enlisted Armament: 1x Oto Melara (Breda) 76mm 4x MM38 Exocet anti-ship missiles 1x RAM (Rolling Airframe Missile) launcher, 21 cells 2x MG50-1 machine guns Mine laying capability Model Highlights - Bridge interior (bridge and engineering control station) - Custom instruments - Working weapons (Oto Melara 76mm, 4x Exocet, RAM Launcher, 2x 12,7mm) - Custom sounds - Ctrl + A activates the animated slinger windows on the bridge - extra controllable vehicle: German Navy Rubber Dinghy included in this package - animated flag It is recommended to set the Limit ammunition settings in the vehicle option menu. Special thanks to AndyMahn (from vKfS) for the elements.cfg file. And to Deutschmark for testing over the build period. © Copyright 2013 Marko Barthel – VirtualTechArt Design
  5. FLB-23-7 / Firefighting Boat 23-7 View File Note: Digitally delivered products are not refundable. FLB 23-7 (Feuerloeschboot) / Firefighting Boat 23-7 The FLB-23 (Feuerloeschboot 23) is a fire-fighting boat orginally build in East Germany in 1973 (Yachtwerft Berlin, Project 1320). It is used to fighting fires on floating and coastal objects. Length: 23,22m Beam: 4,58/ 4,71m Draft: 1,58m Displacement: 54,20t Propulsion: two Diesel Engines with 508PS Speed: 15kn Feuerlöschboot Typ "FB-23" Yachtwerft Berlin 1973, Projekt-Nr. 1320 Feuerlöschboot zur Bekämpfung von Bränden auf schwimmenden und am Ufer gelegenen Objekten. Die Bergungsausrüstung eignet sich zum Auspumpen Leck geschlagener oder gesunkener Schiffe. Einsatzgebiet: Binnen-, Haff- und Boddengewässer sowie Seehäfen. Besatzung: 1 Schiffsführer, 1 Steuermann, 1 Maschinist und 4 Feuerwehrleute. Model Highlights - Bridge interior - Custom instruments - bump maps © Copyright 2013 Marko Barthel / AndyMahn – VirtualTechArt Design Note: Digitally delivered products are not refundable. Submitter Bartolomeus Submitted 12/08/2013 Category Vehicle Simulator Author
  6. FGS S-72 Puma / S-77 Dachs - German Navy FAC View File Note: Digitally delivered products are not refundable. Buy with Paypal The Puma/Dachs are boats of the German Navy’s Gepard S143A class. This class is Germany’s the last class of missile bearing fast attack crafts. The 143A class is an evolution of the Albatros 143 class. It is planned to replace this class with the new Braunschweig-class corvettes in the 2020s. The ships in class are named after small predatory animals. General characteristics Displacement: 391 tons Length: 189 ft (57.60m) Beam: 25.7 ft (7.80m) Draft: 8.6 ft (2.60m) Propulsion: four Diesel Engines MTU 956 TB 91 With 13.235kW (17.748hp) Speed: 40 kn Complement: 5 Officers, 31 Enlisted Armament: 1x Oto Melara (Breda) 76mm 4x MM38 Exocet anti-ship missiles 1x RAM (Rolling Airframe Missile) launcher, 21 cells 2x MG50-1 machine guns Mine laying capability Model Highlights - Bridge interior (bridge and engineering control station) - Custom instruments - Working weapons (Oto Melara 76mm, 4x Exocet, RAM Launcher, 2x 12,7mm) - Custom sounds - Ctrl + A activates the animated slinger windows on the bridge - extra controllable vehicle: German Navy Rubber Dinghy included in this package - animated flag It is recommended to set the Limit ammunition settings in the vehicle option menu. Special thanks to AndyMahn (from vKfS) for the elements.cfg file. And to Deutschmark for testing over the build period. © Copyright 2013 Marko Barthel – VirtualTechArt Design Note: Digitally delivered products are not refundable. Submitter Bartolomeus Submitted 11/25/2013 Category Vehicle Simulator  
  7. Spookymufu's Orca View File Spookymufu's Orca. Completely rebuild of the old Orca for Ilan Papini's Vehicle Simulator. Submitter Bartolomeus Submitted 10/21/2012 Category Ships Author
  8. Version 2.0


    Spookymufu's Orca. Completely rebuild of the old Orca for Ilan Papini's Vehicle Simulator.
  9. After a long time without any release for Vehicle Simulator, here is a new addon for VSF. The KNM Skjold P960 a norwegian coastal corvette. The is available for purchase her in our E-Store. Special thanks to AndyMahn (from vKfS) for the great help with the instruments and for making the elements.cfg file. And to Deutschmark for testing during the build period. Marko
  10. Hi Folks As I promised, here is the new addon for VSF. The KNM Skjold a royal norwegian patrol boat. The VSF Addon comes with a bridge interior, instruments and weapons. Basic uv mapping is done. Next step is to add more details to the texture set and to add more details (radar, lamps etc.) The release of this boat is in the next two weeks. Marko
  11. Before the Plunger is ready to launch I will release this project. The Sturgeon class submarine USS Cavalla. Iam working on the bump and specular maps. The upper deck with the control room. If someone knows the location of the sonar room, please write. Marko
  12. Spookymufu has rebuild his old Orca model for Ilan's Vehicle Simulator! Now available here at 3d-ShipMeshes. Thank you for the great work Spook! Marko
  13. After 2 years of Development, Thor's Travemuende - Lubeca Scenery is out now! You can buy it at DVO Marine Design Note: Pictures will follow! Marko
  14. Hi. Spookymufu is currently revising his old Orca addon for VSF! Here are a few shots of the new model. Here is the original thread from Spookymufu in the VSF forums. I have build the hull for Spook's new Orca model. Here are a few render from Spookymufu! Great work Spook! And the Orca in VSF. Marko
  15. Version 2.4.9 is available for download.
  16. And the next update from Ilan!
  17. For more information and the download please visit the official VSF homepage.
  18. The next update for VSF is released... amazing Ilan! Thx.
  19. The next Update to version 2.4.4 is available for Vehicle Simulator!
  20. New Patch for Vehicle Simulator is available! Visit the official Website for more information and the download.
  21. Hi All, During a break from the Dachs and Puma. Here is the USS Plunger for Ilan's Vehicle Simulator. The third submarine of the Thresher/Permit class. All parts of the exterior model are done. Only the textures are still work in progress. Specular and bump maps also in progress. Marko
  22. Thor has created two preview vidz of the Travemünde/Lübeck scenery. Travemünde is the winner of VSteps Content Creation Contest in category scenery design. And now Thor has continued the work from Travemünde to Lubeca. And he converted and improved the scenery for Ilan's Vehicle Simulator. Part 1 - Travemünde Part 2 - Travemünde to Lubeca Enjoy!
  23. Form more information and the download visit the Official Homepage Marko
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