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omsi_2_fan01 last won the day on October 31 2020

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  1. Hello, its almost 2 years since ive posted something here. Recently I saw a video about a new ship simulator (subscription based, wich is a no go for me) called "nautis Home" and then "across the seas" came back into my mind. I renember, that the game/simulator was converted to Unreal Engine 5. Are there any news and how is the development going? Is there a new Beta-Version with Unreal Engine? Im just corious if there are any news since the project looked very interesting but also its quite ambitious consindering that a simulator with ships and water physics, weather etc. is pretty complex to make. Thx for answering and good luck with the development.
  2. Hello, ive seen that there is a version of across the seas in development that uses Unreal Engine 5 as base instead of Unity. Its a good idea to change to Unreal Engine. I think there are far more possibilities with Unreal than with Unity. The screenshots look very good and better than with the Unity based version. Will there also be an alpha of the Unreal Engine based version? I really would like to try the improved graphics and new game Engine by myself.
  3. Nice to see that a new update is in development. Ive seen the pictures in the development topic, the new graphics look really good. Also cool to see controller support. Will the K130 Corvette also be part of the next update? Another qestion / sugesstion: will there be submarines in across the seas in the future? And what about adding AI traffic ships based on AIS data from websides like Marinetraffic or Vesselfinder. Just an idea for the future develoment if something like this would be possiable.
  4. Thanks for releasing Across the Seas as free alpha-version, finally a new and modern ship / naval simulator in development. There arent many "real" ship / boat simulators out there. The most ship simulators on steam are just some cheap acarde games with unrealistic physics and no modding possibilities (Ship Simulator extremes etc.). The only more realistic simulator wich has a player community with mods is vehicle simulator (VHS) wich was released 2009 or so and since then was the most played "real" ship simulator. But the engine is outdated and also there are many bugs and limitations because of this. For example, VHS dosent supports dynamic lighting and only allows a limited amount of animations on an ship model. Also, VHS has problems when a ship model file is to large and detailed etc. The water / weather physics of VHS are also not that good, the wave height in habour and on sea is always the same and in stormy seas, you sometimes just "jump" with your ship over the waves. Multiplayer on VHS is also an issue, joining a server is often buggy. Lastly, the developer of VHS dosent seem to fix any of the bugs or even upgrade the game to modern standarts. The development of VHS seems to be dead. Across the Seas looks promising and modern, like it could replace VHS one day and everone from VHS will then switch to Across the Seas. Things wich are already better in Across the Seas are: Firstly, using Unity engine the graphics are much better and there are more possibilities for functions on the ship models (animations, effects, textures etc.) One ship even has an animated anchor. The water physics are better (differnt wave heights in port and out on sea) and overall the enviorment (sun, clouds etc.) looks more realistic. I am excited to see the further development and updates of Across the Seas.
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