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Everything posted by CommanderNili

  1. Version 1.0.0


    USS Mount Whitney (LCC/JCC 20) is one of two Blue Ridge-class amphibious command ships of the United States Navy and is the flagship and command ship of the United States Sixth Fleet. USS Mount Whitney also serves as the Afloat Command Platform (ACP) of Naval Striking and Support Forces NATO (STRIKFORNATO). The ship had previously served for years as the COMSTRIKFLTLANT(NATO Designation) / US Second Fleet's command ship. She is one of only a few commissioned ships to be assigned to Military Sealift Command. (source Wikipedia) The boat features an animated US Navy flag and she is equipped with two Phalanx CIWS. The deck is capable of carrying and launching helicopters.
  2. Version 1.0.0


    The Mistral class is a class of five amphibious assault ships, also known as a helicopter carrier, of the French Navy. Referred to as "projection and command ships" (French: batiments de projection et de commandement or BPC), a Mistral-class ship is capable of transporting and deploying 16 NH90 or Tiger helicopters, four landing barges, up to 70 vehicles including 13 AMX Leclerc tanks, or a 40-strong Leclerc tank battalion,[4] and 450 soldiers. The ships are equipped with a 69-bed hospital, and are capable of serving as part of a NATO Response Force, or with United Nations or European Union peace-keeping forces. (source Wikipedia) The boat features two animated French Navy flags and she is equipped with two manpads (from a Deutchmark's add-on RBS 70). The deck is capable of carrying and launching helicopters.
  3. Version 1.0.0


    HMS Rodney (pennant number 29) was one of two Nelson-class battleships built for the Royal Navy in the mid-1920s. The ship was named after Admiral Lord Rodney. The Nelsons were unique in British battleship construction, being the only ships to carry a main armament of 16-inch (406 mm) guns, and the only ones to carry all the main armament forward of the superstructure. As her superstructure was located aft of midships like RN fleet oilers whose names carried the ...'ol' suffix, she was sometimes derisively referred to as "Rodnol". Commissioned in 1927, Rodney served extensively in the Mediterranean Sea and Atlantic Ocean during the Second World War. Rodney played a major role in the sinking of the German battleship Bismarck in May 1941. During and after Operation Torch and the Normandy landings, Rodney participated in several coastal bombardments. In poor condition from extremely heavy use and lack of refits, she was scrapped in 1948. (source Wikipedia) The boat features an animated Royal Navy flag and she is capable of firing all her 16 inch guns simultaneously.
  4. 209 Sub Hellenic Navy View File 209-1100 (Glafkos Class) Submarine for Hellenic Navy This submarine dates back to the Virtual Sailor Days. I had sent it to only a few VS Forum friends who could actually appreciate military vehicles and submarines in particular. She has been altered and prepared for VSF and is dedicated to this friendly site and its administrator. Weapons (VSF add-on): 1 SonarPing (Sound Effect only) 2XSHKVAL super fast guided torpedoes 2XSUT guided torpedoes 2XMK14 unguided torpedoes 2XDM2A4 guided torpedoes This boat has elements. She comes with a fully functional interior (control room). The boat features many animations in order to resemble the functionality of a real sub within the limits of VSF. Animated parts as follows: Glass Windscreen: Appears-Disappears with Ctrl-A Flag with pole: Raised and Lowered with Ctrl-D Periscopes (Search & Attack): Raised and Lowered with PgUp-PgDn ESM and Rotating Radar: Appear-Disappear with Ins-Del Snorkel Mast: Lowered and Raised as Sliding Door (With Mouse on OR Shift-S for animations panel and then press Slide Doors) The guided torpedoes can lock on targets and be fired. All of the instruments are specifically designed and implemented for this unique model. Try to view the interior in the darkness to experience the emmissive panel. Realistic sounds have been included for a true immersive submarine experience. CREDITS Many credits go to George Mastrogeorgiou for the realistic textures of the hull and also for the finishing touch in the 3D model itself. Credits go to Sppokymufu ( I guess) for some of the instruments. It's been so many years that I don't remember for sure, but I think that some of the instruments come from Spookymufu's subs. Enjoy! Submitter CommanderNili Submitted 01/04/2019 Category Submarines
  5. Version 1.0.0


    209-1100 (Glafkos Class) Submarine for Hellenic Navy This submarine dates back to the Virtual Sailor Days. I had sent it to only a few VS Forum friends who could actually appreciate military vehicles and submarines in particular. She has been altered and prepared for VSF and is dedicated to this friendly site and its administrator. Weapons (VSF add-on): 1 SonarPing (Sound Effect only) 2XSHKVAL super fast guided torpedoes 2XSUT guided torpedoes 2XMK14 unguided torpedoes 2XDM2A4 guided torpedoes This boat has elements. She comes with a fully functional interior (control room). The boat features many animations in order to resemble the functionality of a real sub within the limits of VSF. Animated parts as follows: Glass Windscreen: Appears-Disappears with Ctrl-A Flag with pole: Raised and Lowered with Ctrl-D Periscopes (Search & Attack): Raised and Lowered with PgUp-PgDn ESM and Rotating Radar: Appear-Disappear with Ins-Del Snorkel Mast: Lowered and Raised as Sliding Door (With Mouse on OR Shift-S for animations panel and then press Slide Doors) The guided torpedoes can lock on targets and be fired. All of the instruments are specifically designed and implemented for this unique model. Try to view the interior in the darkness to experience the emmissive panel. Realistic sounds have been included for a true immersive submarine experience. CREDITS Many credits go to George Mastrogeorgiou for the realistic textures of the hull and also for the finishing touch in the 3D model itself. Credits go to Sppokymufu ( I guess) for some of the instruments. It's been so many years that I don't remember for sure, but I think that some of the instruments come from Spookymufu's subs. Enjoy!
  6. PLAN Luoyang View File This is a Jiangwei II class Frigate (Luoyang-527) for VSF. This boat has elements. She comes with a basic but functional bridge. The boat features animated hand-rails for helipad. The animation is activated with Ctrl-A. She bears an animated Chinese flag and she has one standard VSF rotating radar. Other animations also exist: Sliding Hangar door (mouse on and slide sideways), Bridge doors (Ctrl-D), Bow Flagpole (PgUp-PgDn). This boat carries 4 YJ-83 Surface missiles that can lock on targets and be fired. Just make sure that prior to the missile launch your target ship is in your beam with a relative bearing 65 degrees up to 115 degrees off your bow. You can fire the missiles from the weapons panel or by bringing up the HUD (Shift-H) so that you can hear the lock on sound. Other weapons are also playable and loaded with near to real life data (inside the weapon.cfg). Realistic sounds have been included (engine, interior, start, stop). Enjoy! Submitter CommanderNili Submitted 12/20/2018 Category Ships  
  7. Version 1.0.1


    This is a Jiangwei II class Frigate (Luoyang-527) for VSF. This boat has elements. She comes with a basic but functional bridge. The boat features animated hand-rails for helipad. The animation is activated with Ctrl-A. She bears an animated Chinese flag and she has one standard VSF rotating radar. Other animations also exist: Sliding Hangar door (mouse on and slide sideways), Bridge doors (Ctrl-D), Bow Flagpole (PgUp-PgDn). This boat carries 4 YJ-83 Surface missiles that can lock on targets and be fired. Just make sure that prior to the missile launch your target ship is in your beam with a relative bearing 65 degrees up to 115 degrees off your bow. You can fire the missiles from the weapons panel or by bringing up the HUD (Shift-H) so that you can hear the lock on sound. Other weapons are also playable and loaded with near to real life data (inside the weapon.cfg). Realistic sounds have been included (engine, interior, start, stop). Enjoy!
  8. OSA I class missile boat View File This is OSA I class missile boat for VSF. The Osa class is probably the most numerous class of missile boats ever built, with over 400 vessels constructed between 1960–1973 for both the Soviet Navy and for export to allied countries. This boat has elements. She bears an animated flag and a working radar. She also has animations: CTRL-A: Open & Close the 4 launcher-box lids. CTRL-D: Open & Close the bridge door. Pg Up - Pg Down: Lower and Raise the bow flag pole. The missile launcher is animated and it can be raised prior to missile firing with Ctrl-A. This boat carries 4 SS-N-2 (Styx) missiles with accurate specs (as much as possible). They can lock on targets and be fired. Just make sure that prior to the missile launch you face your target ship with a relative bearing -25 degrees up to 25 degrees off your bow. You can fire the missiles from the weapons panel or by bringing up the HUD (Shift-H) so that you can hear the lock on sound. The AK-230 guns are also playable and loaded with near to real life data (inside the weapon.cfg). A broken.x version is also included for dramatic sinking. Finally this vehicle has instruments on 2 bridges (inner and outer) In general she is fun to play with. Submitter CommanderNili Submitted 09/11/2017 Category Ships Author
  9. Version 1.0.0


    This is OSA I class missile boat for VSF. The Osa class is probably the most numerous class of missile boats ever built, with over 400 vessels constructed between 1960–1973 for both the Soviet Navy and for export to allied countries. This boat has elements. She bears an animated flag and a working radar. She also has animations: CTRL-A: Open & Close the 4 launcher-box lids. CTRL-D: Open & Close the bridge door. Pg Up - Pg Down: Lower and Raise the bow flag pole. The missile launcher is animated and it can be raised prior to missile firing with Ctrl-A. This boat carries 4 SS-N-2 (Styx) missiles with accurate specs (as much as possible). They can lock on targets and be fired. Just make sure that prior to the missile launch you face your target ship with a relative bearing -25 degrees up to 25 degrees off your bow. You can fire the missiles from the weapons panel or by bringing up the HUD (Shift-H) so that you can hear the lock on sound. The AK-230 guns are also playable and loaded with near to real life data (inside the weapon.cfg). A broken.x version is also included for dramatic sinking. Finally this vehicle has instruments on 2 bridges (inner and outer) In general she is fun to play with.
  10. Mark V SOC View File This is a Mark V Special Operations Craft (Mark V SOC) for VSF. This craft was introduced into service with the US Navy SEALs in 1995. The primary mission of the Mark V is medium range insertion and extraction platform for Special Operations Forces (primarily SEAL combat swimmers) in a low to medium threat environment. The secondary mission is limited Coastal Patrol and Interdiction, specifically limited duration patrol and low to medium threat coastal interdiction. This boat has elements. She bears an animated "Punisher" skull flag and a working radar. The Mini gun is also playable and loaded with near to real life data (inside the weapon.cfg). This boat comes with interior and panel. Submitter CommanderNili Submitted 08/31/2017 Category Ships Author
  11. Version 1.0.0


    This is a Mark V Special Operations Craft (Mark V SOC) for VSF. This craft was introduced into service with the US Navy SEALs in 1995. The primary mission of the Mark V is medium range insertion and extraction platform for Special Operations Forces (primarily SEAL combat swimmers) in a low to medium threat environment. The secondary mission is limited Coastal Patrol and Interdiction, specifically limited duration patrol and low to medium threat coastal interdiction. This boat has elements. She bears an animated "Punisher" skull flag and a working radar. The Mini gun is also playable and loaded with near to real life data (inside the weapon.cfg). This boat comes with interior and panel.
  12. HDMS Iver Huitfeldt View File HDMS Iver Huitfeldt is a Danish Air defence Frigate. This boat has properties. She bears an animated danish navy flag and carries a working radar. She is also equipped with 2 OTO Melara 76"/62 guns and one Oerlikon Millenium 35 mm. All guns are fully functional with acurate specs. Also this boat carries 4 Harpoon missiles that can lock on targets and get launched. Two more textures are included for Peter Willemoes (F-362) and Niels Juel (F-363) Submitter CommanderNili Submitted 08/23/2017 Category Ships Author
  13. Version 1.0.0


    HDMS Iver Huitfeldt is a Danish Air defence Frigate. This boat has properties. She bears an animated danish navy flag and carries a working radar. She is also equipped with 2 OTO Melara 76"/62 guns and one Oerlikon Millenium 35 mm. All guns are fully functional with acurate specs. Also this boat carries 4 Harpoon missiles that can lock on targets and get launched. Two more textures are included for Peter Willemoes (F-362) and Niels Juel (F-363)
  14. RFN Stoikiy View File This is RFN Stoikiy for VSF. She is a "Steregushchiy" (vigilant) class corvette of the Russian Navy. This boat has properties. She bears an animated russian federation navy flag, a working radar and animated handrails for the helipad. The latter can be raised or lowered with Ctrl-A. The A-190 gun and the 2 AK-630 are playable and operative in VSF. Also this boat carries 4 SS-N-25 missiles that can lock on targets and be fired. Their properties for this add-on are very similar to Harpoon. Just make sure that prior to the missile launch your target ship is in your respective beam (port or starboard) with a relative bearing 65 degrees up to 115 degrees off your bow. You can fire the missiles from the weapons panel or by bringing up the HUD (Shift-H) so that you can hear the lock on sound. I have not included an interior yet. It may be done in the future. Submitter CommanderNili Submitted 06/17/2017 Category Ships Author
  15. Version 1.0.0


    This is RFN Stoikiy for VSF. She is a "Steregushchiy" (vigilant) class corvette of the Russian Navy. This boat has properties. She bears an animated russian federation navy flag, a working radar and animated handrails for the helipad. The latter can be raised or lowered with Ctrl-A. The A-190 gun and the 2 AK-630 are playable and operative in VSF. Also this boat carries 4 SS-N-25 missiles that can lock on targets and be fired. Their properties for this add-on are very similar to Harpoon. Just make sure that prior to the missile launch your target ship is in your respective beam (port or starboard) with a relative bearing 65 degrees up to 115 degrees off your bow. You can fire the missiles from the weapons panel or by bringing up the HUD (Shift-H) so that you can hear the lock on sound. I have not included an interior yet. It may be done in the future.
  16. Version 1.0.0


    This add-on simulates an influence mine. Although it sounds awkward it works! The mine is actually a submarine inside VSF, in the size and shape of a EMC mine (German WWII mine). In order to work it must be loaded with the "mine.txt" script that comes in this package. The mine can be drifted or moored, surfaced or submerged. The tricky part is to adjust the correct depth with proper ballast. You may use the "Minefield" situation as a starting point. Once loaded with the script the mine stays in position and waits. Once a surface or sub contact enters in a range of 40 yards (measured from the center of the ship) the mine fires its own weapon which explodes immediately. The mine then breaks and explodes completing the effect. The blow is devastating and can lift a ship off the surface of the sea. The engagement range (sensitivity of mine) can be adjusted inside the script.txt. Just tweak the number that comes after "range" Bonus Pack: My version of a great white shark to populate your VSF worlds.
  17. EMC Mine View File This add-on simulates an influence mine. Although it sounds awkward it works! The mine is actually a submarine inside VSF, in the size and shape of a EMC mine (German WWII mine). In order to work it must be loaded with the "mine.txt" script that comes in this package. The mine can be drifted or moored, surfaced or submerged. The tricky part is to adjust the correct depth with proper ballast. You may use the "Minefield" situation as a starting point. Once loaded with the script the mine stays in position and waits. Once a surface or sub contact enters in a range of 40 yards (measured from the center of the ship) the mine fires its own weapon which explodes immediately. The mine then breaks and explodes completing the effect. The blow is devastating and can lift a ship off the surface of the sea. The engagement range (sensitivity of mine) can be adjusted inside the script.txt. Just tweak the number that comes after "range" Bonus Pack: My version of a great white shark to populate your VSF worlds. Submitter CommanderNili Submitted 06/14/2017 Category Submarines
  18. MILGEM class corvette for VSF View File This is TCG Heybeliada add-on for VSF. Inside the installation package you will also find textures for TCG Buyukada. Submitter CommanderNili Submitted 06/11/2017 Category Ships Author
  19. Version 1.0.0


    This is TCG Heybeliada add-on for VSF. Inside the installation package you will also find textures for TCG Buyukada.
  20. HS Kefallinia ZUBR class LCAC View File HS Kefallinia (L-180) for VSF. This is a ZUBR class LCAC. This add-on comes with an interior bridge, functional panel and loading tank deck. Also hte front ramp is animated and can open or close with Ctrl-A. Enjoy! NOTE: A new elements.cfg is available below. This changes the behavior of the hovercraft and it allows her to be driven on land! You can download it and replace the old elements file. elements.cfg Submitter CommanderNili Submitted 06/05/2017 Category Ships  
  21. Version 1.1


    HS Kefallinia (L-180) for VSF. This is a ZUBR class LCAC. This add-on comes with an interior bridge, functional panel and loading tank deck. Also hte front ramp is animated and can open or close with Ctrl-A. Enjoy! NOTE: A new elements.cfg is available below. This changes the behavior of the hovercraft and it allows her to be driven on land! You can download it and replace the old elements file. elements.cfg
  22. FNS Hanko View File This is FNS Hanko for VSF. This boat has properties with near to real life data and characteristics. She bears an animated finnish navy flag and 2 rotating radars. The missile launcher is animated and it can be raised prior to missile firing with Ctrl-A. This boat carries 2 RBS-15 missiles that can lock on targets and be fired. Submitter CommanderNili Submitted 06/05/2017 Category Ships Author
  23. Version 1.0.0


    This is FNS Hanko for VSF. This boat has properties with near to real life data and characteristics. She bears an animated finnish navy flag and 2 rotating radars. The missile launcher is animated and it can be raised prior to missile firing with Ctrl-A. This boat carries 2 RBS-15 missiles that can lock on targets and be fired.
  24. Hi All, let me introduce myself. I am an old virtual sailor user (and an active duty sailor in reality) who recently came back to simulations with VSF. I have created a few warship models for VSF and gradually I will introduce them in this warship friendly forum. So if you are interested I will post some photos. To give you an idea the ships I could share for free are a ZUBR class LCAC, a MILGEM corvette, the FNS HANKO (Finnish Navy FAC), the RFN Stoikiy (russian corvette) and others. I tried to experiment with scripts and animations so my models come with animated flags and parts. Also the weapon data are as acurate as possible making those ships fun to play with.
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