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Everything posted by Deutschmark

  1. Update! The balloons are blowing up beautifully!!! As seen from this Nieuport 28 gun sight. More to come soon. Deutschmark
  2. Have your first look at the user operated Allied Axes observation balloons for Canvas Knights. Still have a lot left to do on them so about a week or so and they will be up for download. Deutschmark
  3. Thank you Marko Glad you like it. Here was a screen shot I took while working on getting the download package made. John
  4. This is my Handley Page Type O - 400 bomber for Canvas Knights game. Night bomber. Factory Green. You can get it here; Hope you all enjoy the HP400. Deutschmark
  5. 106 downloads

    This is my Handley Page Type O - 400 bomber for Canvas Knights game. This is a online, off line vehicle / plane. To Install; Unzip with folder names on, go inside the ( Hp400 ) folder and drag the ( HP_O_400 ) folder into your CK game vehicles folder, then add the line in the allied.txt HP_O_400 and save it. That's it your done. WARNING! This plane flys very heavy and slow 85 to 90 mph at best. She is very mushy in turning and does not like to loop. She does not do anything fast! and best if you are not heavy handed with her. Hope you all enjoy the HP400. Deutschmark
  6. Last Update before release! Damage model and texture is done! This is just one of the many configurations that can happen with the damage model. Left to do; Damage CFG. Another skin. This could be out by Friday will see how things go. Deutschmark
  7. Thank you Marko glad you like it Update! The instruments are in and working. The pilots and gunners are in. The guns are now in and working with animations. The bombs are in and make a BIG boom! The bombardier compartment is in with bomb sight. The hitboxes are done and the game just takes all the parts and throws them everywhere till I get the damage CFG done to govern the game engine on what to do with the parts. And up up and away we go! Left to do; Damage 3D model. Damage CFG. Damage texture. A other skin. Maybe sometime this weekend if all goes ok she will be up for download John
  8. Well here she is the British heavy bomber! Have your first look at Canvas Knights Handley Page Type O - 400. Still have much left to do on her, so I think a week or two and she will be up for download. Deutschmark
  9. This is my Gotha IV bomber for Canvas Knights game. Factory silver/ blue. Day bomber green snake. Night bomber MoRoTAS. You can get it here; Hope you all enjoy the Gotha. Deutschmark
  10. Deutschmark

    Gotha IV


    This is my Gotha IV bomber for Canvas Knights game. This is a online, off line vehicle / plane. To Install; Unzip with folder names on, go inside the ( GO4 ) folder and drag the ( Gotha_IV ) folder into your CK game vehicles folder, then add the line in the axis.txt Gotha_IV and save it. That's it your done. WARNING! This plane fly's very heavy and slow 85 mph at best. She is very mushy in turning and does not like to loop. She does not do anything fast! and best if you are not heavy handed with her. Hope you all enjoy the Gotha. Deutschmark
  11. Thank you Marko Hope to have the plane out sometime this weekend. John
  12. Thank you Marko Last update! Damage model is done! This is just one of the many configurations that can happen with the damage model. Left to do; A few skins. Hope to have it up for download sometime this weekend Deutschmark
  13. Thank you Marko Next Update! The instruments are in and working. The hitboxes are done and the game just takes all the parts and throws them everywhere till I get the damage CFG done to govern the game engine on what to do with the parts. And up up and away we go! Left to do; Damage 3D model Damage CFG Damage texture A few skins Deutschmark
  14. Thank you Marko Update! The pilot and gunners are in and both guns working fine. The bombs are in and working fine. Left to do; Instruments All damage model stuff A few skins She is coming along! Deutschmark
  15. Here she is the first of the BIG ones for CK! Have your first look at Canvas Knights Gotha G IV bomber! Still have much left to do on her, so I think a week or two and she will be up for download. Deutschmark
  16. This is my Nieuport 11 for Canvas Knights game. Armand de Turenne Raoul Lufbery Factory Skin You can get it here; Hope you all enjoy the N11. Deutschmark
  17. 74 downloads

    This is my Nieuport 11 for Canvas Knights game. This is a online, off line vehicle / plane. To Install; Unzip with folder names on, go inside the ( N11R ) folder and drag the ( Nieuport_11 ) folder into your CK game vehicles folder, then add the line in the allied.txt Nieuport_11 and save it. That's it your done. Hope you all enjoy the N11. Deutschmark
  18. Thank you Marko! It will be out in a few days John
  19. Thank you Marko glad you like it Update! The damage model is done! Left to do; A few skins. Deutschmark
  20. Update! The instruments are in and working all 2 of them... The gun is now working with animations. The pilot is in. The hitboxes are done and the game just takes all the parts and throws them everywhere till I get the damage CFG done to govern the game engine on what to do with the parts. And up up and away we go! Left to do; Damage 3D model. Damage CFG. Damage texture. A few skins. Deutschmark
  21. Have your first look at CK's new Nieuport 11! Still have much left to do on her like gages, pilot and other animations plus damage model and a few skins, so about a weeks work or so and she will be up for download. Deutschmark
  22. Hi Guys Here is my latest CK Skin, Fritz Hohn's Pfalz D3A. Regards Keith You can get it here; Deutschmark
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