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Everything posted by MarkoBarthel

  1. US Navy submarines. USS, Nebraska, USS Cavalla and the USS Texas. Marko
  2. Really nice skin John! Thx for sharing. Marko
  3. Ok, here is the last update before the release of the 3d-model. The uv mapping is completely done. Bump and Specular maps also added to the model. Marko
  4. Thanks John for the next great airplane for CK! Great work! Marko
  5. Really nice update Robert! Nice work so far, looking forward to the final version. Marko
  6. The basic uv mapping and textures are done. Textures are not final yet, I'm working currently on more details and the specular and bump maps. Anyone interested in an basic (exterior with weapons only) and free version for VSF? Marko
  7. Very impressive John.. I think you need a fair amount of tape for this bird! Looks really great! Marko
  8. The next mission....great! Thanks for sharing! Marko
  9. Awesome, very detailed framework! Looks superb! Marko
  10. Great looking framework. Really great work John! Marko
  11. Nice shots Robert and Clayton. @Robert, nice is this the Project Airbus A380? Really nice. Marko
  12. Really nice...thank you for the new skin John! Marko
  13. Wow....thats awesome John! Great work so far. Also great work on the last stage of the damage model. Marko
  14. That's great..thank you for the new missions John! Great work. Marko
  15. Thank you Clayton, I'm glad you like it! Marko
  16. Great work on the model and textures John! Looks amazing. Marko
  17. Hello Andy, welcome here at VirtualTechArt! Nice to have an P3D Developer on board here. I have just started to develop my first addons for the FSX/P3D (my first Airport scenery and Subs). I wish you a nice time here in at VTA. Regards Marko
  18. Playing with the new window textures for the Finnstar VSF version. Marko
  19. Hi John, this game project sounds and looks really amazing! I'm a great fan of this era of naval history. Thx posting the link. Marko
  20. Great to have a new mission, thank you John! Marko
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