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MarkoBarthel last won the day on July 13 2024

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About MarkoBarthel

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    3d Design & 3d Artwork,
    Games modding,
    Ship & Flightsims

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  1. Hello, Really sad news for all VS/VSF and Canvas Knight fans. I realized that John Marcolongo known as Deutschmark as passed away in last year. So I'm really shocked about this. John passed away after an long illness. I will miss our conversations and his help advice in game development. Rest in Peace my friend. Here is a statement from his site Allaircraftsimulations. "Hello my friends, I would like to inform you that my long-time friend and musical colleague John Marcolongo has passed away after a long illness. His best friend and yours truly accompanied him during his final hours and he left us in our arms. To all who knew him, let us remember him as we knew him. Now he rocks with Dio and Jimi. Take care, my old friend. Lasst uns gemeinsam Johns Leben und seine Musik feiern und uns an die schönen Momente erinnern, die wir mit ihm teilen durften. Das Forum wird weiter bestehen, und seine beste Freundin wird die Geschäfte übernehmen. Weitere Informationen werde ich euch bald zukommen lassen. In tiefer Trauer, Nicole Weichert" My condolences to John's family and all of his friends for the great loss. For all fans of his work, I will leave the Canvas Knight section and all of his models online in the download area as long as I can. Regards Marko
  2. I had little time over the Xmas holidays to do some work on the A346. Corrected cargo bays, added new wings and a bit more work on the engines. Currently I'm working to get the mid section of the fuselage right. Next things to come are the landing gear and all the flaps and slats for the wings with all the animation works.
  3. Hello, you need to contact the creator of the model you want to modify. Please do not modify an existing model without permission of the creator. Aside from that, I have no experience with Sketchup.
  4. Hello, thank you for your interest in Across the Seas. I'm working hard on the first new alpha release of the UE version of the sim. Most of the core parts are done. The conversion of the sim to Unreal was really challenging. I had to recreate the core of the sim completely. Only a few points are the showstoppers for a release, like the selection menu and physics balancing of the watercraft behavior. You can find new pics of the current status here.
  5. First test of the Finnstar in Across the Seas and UE. Raytraced reflections for windows enabled. Marko
  6. Working on the next watercraft conversion for Across the Seas in UE. The textures set is currently Work in Progress and does not represent the final look of the watercraft. Regards Marko
  7. Todays work, first tests of the Ocean Star model in Across the Seas. Need to finish the interior and to rework the exterior texture set. Regards Marko
  8. Sneak peak of the status of Across the Seas. The Unreal Engine version coming along very nicely. Most of the basic things like the menu structure and graphics features are done. The watercraft physics needs a little bit more tweaking for a first release. But I'm quite happy with the physics so far. I'm still amazed of the look and the performance of the water and the weather engine in UE compared to these things in Unity. In the newest internal build of Across the Seas I have also added FSR3 to the engine. Otherwise the UE version of Across the Seas runes natively in DX12 with UE features like Lumen, Nanite for 3d meshes, an basic implementation of Metasounds and also support of Raytracing effects for glass and metal surfaces and reflections. Marko
  9. Dear Hangsim community, really sad news for the community, Ilan Papini passed away last Friday after an accident with his plane. Thanks to Ilan for all his passion he has dedicated to the community. Rest in Peace Ilan and my condolences to his family about the terrible lose. Regards Marko
  10. Really sad news, Ilan passed away last Friday after an accident. :(

  11. Hello Captains, I wish you all a Merry Christmas and also a big Thank You for all your community support! I'm a big step closer to the first release of the Unreal Version of Across the Seas. The switch to Unreal was really challenging, but I think it was the right decision for Across the Seas. Core parts like the UI and the watercraft physics are done. I'm trying to add the first basic multiplayer mode also for the first release of the new UE version. An important point for AMD users, the sim comes with native FSR 3 integration. Regards Marko
  12. As a little side project, I have made the decision to reopen my Airbus A340-600 project. But after switching from Prepar3D to Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020, the Airbus is currently only in active development for MSFS 2020. I have reworked the entire fuselage to get a better visual result...and of course the original model was very old. Currently I work on the last steps of the fuselage, with modeling the cargo and a low poly cabin space. Right after that, I will start with the rework of the landing gear and the wings. Note: However the priority is still the development of Across the Seas. Regards Marko
  13. Hello Captains, After an longer break without any news, here is a small update of the current status of the sim. After switching the engine to Unreal Engine 5 most of the core features are finished. The watercraft phyiscs and the ship controller are completely written for the new engine. Also ready to go is the weather engine and most features of the water. Thanks to the Unreal Engine, the sim comes with DirectX 12 and all the new features of UE5 like using Lumen, Nanite, Metasounds and Metahumans. Another great addition is the use of Raytracing and DLSS also for the UE version. But for the official release, I need to get a few things done. Currently I'm working on the vehicle selection / start location selection and the watercraft 2d / 3d panels. More news will follow soon... Regards Most of the 3d meshes using UE's Nanite feature. First and Third Person character with Metahumans. And also windows and some metal materials using Raytracing. Regards Marko
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