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HS_SALAMIS_V.2 2.0.0

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About This File

The Greek frigate Salamis (F-455) (Greek: Φ/Γ ΣΑΛΑΜΙΣ) is the fourth ship of the Greek Hydra frigate class. It is based on the Blohm + Voss MEKO 200 frigate class and was built by Hellenic Shipyards Co. at Skaramagas. It is the third ship of the Hellenic Navy to be named after Salamis Island and the famous Battle of Salamis, the first being the uncompleted dreadnought Salamis.

This is a freeware package. The  basic 3D model was developed by me many -many- years ago. I have borrowed the bridge and some textures from Jason Simpson's ANZAC MEKO (https://www.simpsonslipways.com/). 

Also I made good use of 3 crucial textures and a few 3d parts found in 3d warehouse(https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/model/1eb48ae4-64d6-43ed-97ee-c2c29b95e3d8/MEKO-200HN-HYDRA-HELLENIC-NAVY) in a HYDRA model made by the user Vangelis V. 

Other parts (i.e. the Phalanx were found from several open sources over the internet). 

This model cannot be sold as payware in any form. You can use it for your own entertainment only in Vehicle Simulator or Virtual Sailor NG. 

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